(εικονογράφηση Κώστας Θεοδώρου)
Ζούσε κάποτε μια μικρή χελώνα, η Μόρφω, που πιο πολύ απ’ όλους στον κόσμο αγαπούσε τη γιαγιά της. Κι η γιαγιά της τη λάτρευε. Αλλά, δυστυχώς, δεν έμεναν κοντά. Η Μόρφω έμενε στο λιβάδι πριν το λόφο, ενώ η γιαγιά της έμενε πίσω από το λόφο. Η μικρή χελώνα πήγαινε συχνά στη γιαγιά της μαζί με τη μητέρα της. Ξεκινούσαν πρωί πρωί και έφταναν στο σπίτι της γιαγιάς το βράδυ. Ένας άνθρωπος θα έκανε αυτό το δρομολόγιο σε μια ώρα, ενώ οι χελώνες χρειάζονταν μια ολόκληρη μέρα. Η χελωνίτσα όμως δεν βαριόταν το ταξίδι. Στο δρόμο μάζευε λουλούδια, έπαιζε με τα ζώα που συναντούσαν, έκανε αστεία με τη μαμά της. Η επίσκεψη στη γιαγιά ήταν γι’ αυτήν μια ευχάριστη εκδρομή.
Μια μέρα η μαμά της τη φώναξε και της είπε:
- Κόρη μου, πέρασε ο λαγός και μου είπε πως η γιαγιά είναι άρρωστη και χρειάζεται βοήθεια.
-Να ξεκινήσουμε τώρα αμέσως μαμά!, είπε πρόθυμη η Μόρφω.
Όμως η μαμά της με ύφος σοβαρό, συνέχισε:
-Αυτή τη φορά, δεν θα πάμε μαζί, θα πας μόνη σου. Εγώ πρέπει να μείνω στο σπίτι για τις δουλειές. Το δρόμο τον ξέρεις και είσαι αρκετά μεγάλη, ώστε να προσέχεις.
-Αδύνατο! Δεν πάω! Δεν μπορώ, δεν θέλω. Φοβάμαι! Κλαψούρισε η μικρή χελώνα.
-Τι φοβάσαι; Επέμεινε η μητέρα της. Αν δεις κίνδυνο θα χωθείς στο καβούκι σου μέχρι να περάσει. Δεν θα αλλάξεις δρόμο, θα πάρεις αυτόν που παίρνουμε μαζί κάθε φορά. Μην ανησυχείς, θα τα καταφέρεις. Ξέρω τι σου λέω.
Η Μόρφω, όπως κάθε φορά που φοβόταν,… καβουκιάστηκε. Έχωσε τα πόδια και το κεφάλι μέσα στο καβούκι και άρχισε να κλαίει.
-Μην κάνεις σαν μωρό, την παρακάλεσε η μητέρα της. Την αγαπάς τη γιαγιά, έτσι δεν είναι; Ε, λοιπόν, θα την αφήσεις μόνη της, αβοήθητη; Σου μιλάω, βγάλε έξω το κεφάλι σου.
Με τα πολλά, η μαμά της την κατάφερε κι έτσι η Μόρφω ξεκίνησε για να πάει στη γιαγιά της. Ήταν όμως μουτρωμένη και κακόκεφη. Είχε τρομερό άγχος.
Η μέρα ήταν όμορφη, ηλιόλουστη. Η χελωνίτσα συναντούσε πολλά ζώα στο δρόμο, που τη γνώριζαν και τη χαιρετούσαν, αυτή όμως δεν γύριζε να δει κανένα. Είχε βάλει το κεφάλι κάτω και πήγαινε. Ένιωθε να τρέμει ολόκληρη από το φόβο της. Κάποια στιγμή θυμήθηκε ότι της είχε πει η γιαγιά της πως το τραγούδι διώχνει το φόβο. Άρχισε λοιπόν να σιγοτραγουδά και, πραγματικά, χαλάρωσε, ένιωσε καλύτερα.
Ώσπου, έφτασε μπροστά στο λόφο.
Τον κοίταξε με γουρλωμένα μάτια. Της φάνηκε τρομερός. Τόσες φορές τον είχε ανέβει με τη μητέρα της και δεν είχε καταλάβει πόσο ψηλός ήταν. Ένιωσε τα πόδια της πάλι να τρέμουν. «Αχ, αν ήταν η μαμά μου εδώ κοντά, όλα θα ήταν τόσο εύκολα!», σκέφτηκε και έβαλε τα κλάματα.
Ένα Πουλί που πετούσε από κει την άκουσε και πήγε κοντά της.
-Τι έχεις χελωνίτσα, τη ρώτησε, γιατί κλαίς;
-Πρέπει ν’ ανέβω αυτό το λόφο για να πάω στη γιαγιά μου, αλλά φοβάμαι, του απάντησε η Μόρφω μέσα από το καβούκι της.
-Γι αυτό σκας; Τσιούρησε το πουλί. Είναι τόσο απλό. Κοίταξε εμένα. Ανοίγεις καλά καλά τα φτερά, τα κουνάς και φρρρρρ!
Η Μόρφω έβγαλε διστακτικά το κεφάλι και κοίταξε το πουλί να πετά πάνω από το λόφο. Αλήθεια, της φάνηκε απλό. «Έτσι θα κάνω κι εγώ, σκέφτηκε χαρούμενη. Κάνει ν’ανοίξει τα φτερά, παίρνει φόρα και… μπραφ! Πέφτει κάτω. Και τότε θυμάται πως αυτή δεν έχει φτερά! Πόνεσε, φοβήθηκε, απελπίστηκε και χώθηκε στο καβούκι της για να κλάψει.
-Ε, χελωνίτσα,γιατί κλαις;
-Γιατί δεν μπορώ να ανέβω αυτό το λόφο και να πάω στη γιαγιά μου, του είπε η Μόρφω δίχως να βγάλει το κεφάλι από το καβούκι.
-Και γι αυτό στενοχωριέσαι; Είπε χαρωπά ο λαγός. Είναι εύκολο. Κοίτα εμένα. Παίρνεις φόρα, βάζεις δύναμη στα πίσω πόδια και …χόπλα…χόπλα…χόπ!
Η Μόρφω, βλέποντας το λαγό να χοροπηδά και να περνά το λόφο με τόση ευκολία, ένιωσε καλύτερα. « Αλήθεια, είναι τόσο απλό,σκέφτηκε. Αυτό θα το καταφέρω κι εγώ!» Τεντώνει λοιπόν κι αυτή τα πίσω πόδια, κάνει να πηδήξει και …μπούφ! Σκάει κάτω. Και τότε κατάλαβε πως αυτή δεν έχει τα πίσω πόδια μεγάλα σαν του λαγού. Ένιωσε τόσο δυστυχισμένη και καβουκιάστηκε ξανά κλαψουρίζοντας: «Θέλω τη μαμά μου!»
Την άκουσε τότε μια Κότα κι έτρεξε να τη βοηθήσει.
-Μικρή μου χελώνα, τι έχεις και κλαις; Τη ρώτησε.
-Δεν μπορώ να περάσω αυτό το λόφο για να πάω στη γιαγιά μου, είπε η Μόρφω.
-Ε, και; Σιγά το δύσκοκοκόκολο, κακάρισε η κότα. Πρόσεξε εμένα. Θα σταθείς στα δυο σου πόδια και με όρθιο το κορμί, κοιτώντας ίσια μπροστά θα ανέβεις… τσικι τσικι τσικοκο!
Βλέποντας η Μόρφω την κότα ν’ανεβαίνει με τόση ευκολία το λόφο πήρε πάλι κουράγιο κι αποφάσισε να προσπαθήσει για τρίτη φορά. Σηκώθηκε με κόπο στα δυο της πόδια, όπως είδε να κάνει η κότα. Πάσχισε να κρατηθεί όρθια, τραμπαλίστηκε από δω, από κει και..μμπουφ! Έπεσε ανάσκελα με το καβούκι ανάστροφο και τα πόδια πάνω. Αυτή τη φορά η κατάστασή της ήταν πολύ δύσκολη. Ένιωθε να της κόβεται η ανάσα.
Ευτυχώς, πέρασε από κει μια Στρουθοκάμηλος και με το ράμφος της τη βοήθησε να γυρίσει. Η χελωνίτσα πήρε μια βαθιά ανάσα, πάτησε στα πόδια της και είπε ανακουφισμένη:
-Αχ, ευχαριστώ πολύ!
-Μα, πώς αναποδογυρίστηκες έτσι; Τη ρώτησε η στρουθοκάμηλος.
-Να, προσπαθώ να ανέβω αυτό το λόφο αλλά όλο πέφτω. Δεν καταφέρνω ούτε να πετάξω, ούτε να χοροπηδήσω, ούτε να περπατήσω με δυο πόδια. Προσπαθώ, προσπαθώ και όλο πέφτω, είπε κλαψιάρικα η Μόρφω. Βαρέθηκα πια. Θα τα παρατήσω και θα γυρίσω στη μαμά μου!
- Όχι, όχι, μην τα παρατάς! Μπορεί να προσπάθησες, αλλά δεν προσπάθησες σωστά. Να, κοίταξε εμένα πώς θα…
΄Εκανε να της εξηγήσει η στρουθοκάμηλος, μα η χελωνίτσα τη σταμάτησε απότομα.
-Όχι! Φτάνει πια! Δε θέλω να μου δείξει κανείς τον τρόπο του. Ούτε πουλίσια, ούτε λαγουδίσια, ούτε κοτίσια, ούτε στρουθοκαμηλίσια! Θα το κάνω μόνη μου. Χε λ ω ν ί σ ι α! Ορίστε!
Και πεισμωμένη παίρνει φόρα κι αρχίζει να ανεβαίνει με ταχύτητα. Με όση τέλος πάντων ταχύτητα μπορεί να τρέξει μια μικρή χελώνα. Είχε βάλει το κεφάλι κάτω και έτρεχε. Η ανάσα της κοβόταν στην ανηφόρα, αλλά αυτή έτρεχε. Ίδρωνε, λαχάνιαζε, αλλά έτρεχε. Τα μάγουλά της αναψοκοκκίνισαν, η καρδιά της κόντευε να σπάσει, αλλά έτρεχε. Γλιστρούσε, σκόνταφτε, αλλά έτρεχε. Έτρεχε, έτρεχε, έτρεχε… μέχρι που έφτασε στην κορφή του λόφου! Και τότε σήκωσε το κεφάλι κι έβγαλε μια δυνατή φωνή:
-Ανέβηκα! Ανέβηκα μόνη μου! Ανέβηκα χελωνίσια!
Κι άρχισε να χορεύει.
Ύστερα κοίταξε κάτω και είδε την κατηφόρα που την περίμενε. Ήταν απότομη και για μια στιγμή φοβήθηκε πως δεν θα τα καταφέρει και θα απομείνει εκεί πάνω για πάντα. Τότε όμως είδε το σπίτι της γιαγιάς της και πήρε κουράγιο.
-Και τώρα θα κατέβω χ ε λ ω ν ί σ ι α!
Φώναξε και έκανε με επιδεξιότητα το γνωστό της κόλπο: καβουκιάστηκε.Έγινε μια χελωνομπαλίτσα κι άρχισε να κουτρουβαλάει την κατηφόρα. Χωμένη μέσα στο σκληρό της καβούκι χτυπούσε σε πέτρες, περνούσε πάνω από θάμνους, πηδούσε λακκούβες κι έτρεχε σα λαγός, ορθωνόταν σαν κότα, πετούσε σαν πουλί! Μέχρι που προσγειώθηκε μπροστά στο σπίτι της γιαγιάς της.
Κι όταν χώθηκε στην αγκαλιά της ήταν η πιο ευτυχισμένη και περήφανη Μόρφω του κόσμου!
No, no, don't give up ! ( A tale about self-awareness)
By Froso
(Little turtle’s trip to emancipation and self-awareness)
Once upon a time
there was a little turtle,called Morpho, who loved her grandma more than
everyone in the world. Her grandmother adored Morpho too. But, unfortunately,
they did not live near. Morpho leaved in a valley among the hills while her
grandmother leaved behind the hills. The little turtle used to visit her
grandmother often. She was going there with her mum. They used to start early in the morning and
arrived at grandma's house in the evening. A person can do this route in an
hour, while the turtles need a whole day .But for little Morpho this journey
wasn’t boring at all. On the way she was picking flowers, playing with the
animals they met , making jokes with her mom . Visiting grandmother was a
very pleasant trip for her.
One day her mom called her and said:
- My daughter , the hare just passed and told me that your grandmother is sick and needs help.
- Let's start right now mom! Morpho said willingly.
But her mom continued, on a severe tone:
- This time , we will not go together, you will go alone. I have to stay at home to do some chores .You are old enough to take care yourself and you know the way.
- Impossible! I'm not going! I do not want. I'm afraid! Cried the little turtle.
- What do you fear? Insisted the mother. If you are in danger you will get into your shell until you are safe. You will not change your way, you will take the same route we take together every time. Do not worry, you will make it. I know what I 'm saying.
One day her mom called her and said:
- My daughter , the hare just passed and told me that your grandmother is sick and needs help.
- Let's start right now mom! Morpho said willingly.
But her mom continued, on a severe tone:
- This time , we will not go together, you will go alone. I have to stay at home to do some chores .You are old enough to take care yourself and you know the way.
- Impossible! I'm not going! I do not want. I'm afraid! Cried the little turtle.
- What do you fear? Insisted the mother. If you are in danger you will get into your shell until you are safe. You will not change your way, you will take the same route we take together every time. Do not worry, you will make it. I know what I 'm saying.
Morpho, hide herself into the shell ….like every time she was scared.
She put her legs
and head inside the shell and began crying.
- Don’t act like a baby, her mother pleased .You love your grandmother, don’t you? So, are you going to let her alone, helpless? I'm talking to you, get your head out.
After too much talking, Morpho decided to go to her grandmother’s. But she was stuffy, moody and very anxious.
It was a beautiful and sunny day. The Turtle encountered many animals on the way, which knew her and saluted her, but she never turned to see anyone. She had put her head down and was heading. She was shivering from fear .But then she remembered her grandma’s words that singing banishes fear.
- Don’t act like a baby, her mother pleased .You love your grandmother, don’t you? So, are you going to let her alone, helpless? I'm talking to you, get your head out.
After too much talking, Morpho decided to go to her grandmother’s. But she was stuffy, moody and very anxious.
It was a beautiful and sunny day. The Turtle encountered many animals on the way, which knew her and saluted her, but she never turned to see anyone. She had put her head down and was heading. She was shivering from fear .But then she remembered her grandma’s words that singing banishes fear.
So she started humming
and she felt better and really relaxed already.
But this was until she arrived in front of the hill.
She stared it with bulged eyes. It looked horrible .Even though she had done it with her mother so many times, she had not realized how tall it was. She felt her legs trembling again. "Oh, if my mom was here, everything would be so easy ! " She thought and cried.
A flying Bird heard her and went near.
- What is it TURTLE, asked her , why are you crying ?
- I have to climb this hill to go to my grandmother, but I am afraid, replied Morpho from her shell .
- This is why you are troubled? The Bird sang. That’s very simple. Just watch me. You open your wings, you flap them and frrrrr !
Morpho took her head out reluctantly and looked at the Bird flying over the hill. Truth, it seemed simple. "So I will do the same thought happily.’’ She tries to open her wings, gets modified and ... Braff ! Falls down. And then she remembers that she does not have wings! She was hurt, scared, despaired and tucked into the shell to cry.
Then a Hare passing by approached and asked politely:
-Hey, Turtle, why are you crying?
- Because I can not climb this hill and go to my grandmother, said Morpho without taking her head out of the shell.
- And that’s why you worry? Said the Hare cheerfully. It's easy. Just watch me. You get ready, push your back legs and ... hop ... hop ... HOP !
Morpho felt much better, watching the Hare hopping and passing the hill with such great ease. "Fact, it is so simple, she thought. I can also do it ! "She stretches her back legs well, she jumps and ... BOOMMM -OUCH ! She falls down . And then she realized that her back legs aren’t as long as the hare’s. She felt so miserable and got into the shell again whining : "I want my mom ! "
Then a Hen heard her crying and ran to help her.
- My little turtle , what are you crying about? Asked the Hen.
- I can not pass this hill to go to my grandmother,said Morpho.
- So what? It’s not so hard cock-o-cko-cko-cko , cackled the Hen . Watch me. You stand on your two feet and with your body upright , looking straight ahead you climb ... Cock-oooo !
Watching the Hen climbing the hill so easily, Morpho felt encouraged and decided to give it a third try. She stood up in both legs like the Hen do . Struggling to keep upright , she see-saw right, then left andddd .. BOOMMM -OUCH ! She fell with the shell upside down and her legs up . This time the situation was very difficult. She seemed like running out of breath .
Fortunately, an Ostrich was passing by and with its beak helped her to turn over. The Turtle took a deep breath, she stepped on her feet and said relieved :
- Oh, thank you very much !
- But how did you turn yourself upside down? Asked the Ostrich .
- Well, I try to climb this hill but keep falling every time . I can not fly , nor bounce , nor to walk on two legs . I Try and try and I fall all the time, said Morpho whining. I'm tired .I will give up and go back to my mom !
- No, no, do not give up ! Maybe you tried , but you did not try properly. Here, just watch me how to ...
The Ostrich started saying, but the Turtle interrupted her abruptly.
-No ! Enough! I do not want anyone to show me the way. Neither birdish nor henish nor harish nor ostrichish ! I'll do it myself. Turtlish ! Set !
And stubborn as she was, gets modified and begins to speed rapidly. Of course, with as much speed as a little turtle can run . She had put her head down and started running . Her breath was cut off uphill , but she was running . She was sweating ,panting , but running . Her cheeks turned deep red, her heart was about to break , but she kept running . Slippery , foundered , but she was running . She was running , running , running ... until she reached the top of the hill ! And then she raised her head and took out a loud scream :
- I climbed! I climbed on my own ! Climbed turtlish !
And she began to dance.
Then she looked down and saw the downhill ahead. It was steep and for a moment she got scared that she will not succeed and will remain up there forever. But then she saw Grandma's house and was encouraged .
- And now I'm going down turtlish!
Shouted and skillfully used her secret trick: Got into her shell. She became a turtleball and started rolling downhill. Snuggled inside her hard shell she was crashing onto stones-ouch, going over bushes-ouch, jumping puddles and running like a hare, standing like a hen, flying like a bird !Until she landed in front of her grandmother’s house.
And then when she got into her arms she was the happiest and proudest Morpho in the world!
But this was until she arrived in front of the hill.
She stared it with bulged eyes. It looked horrible .Even though she had done it with her mother so many times, she had not realized how tall it was. She felt her legs trembling again. "Oh, if my mom was here, everything would be so easy ! " She thought and cried.
A flying Bird heard her and went near.
- What is it TURTLE, asked her , why are you crying ?
- I have to climb this hill to go to my grandmother, but I am afraid, replied Morpho from her shell .
- This is why you are troubled? The Bird sang. That’s very simple. Just watch me. You open your wings, you flap them and frrrrr !
Morpho took her head out reluctantly and looked at the Bird flying over the hill. Truth, it seemed simple. "So I will do the same thought happily.’’ She tries to open her wings, gets modified and ... Braff ! Falls down. And then she remembers that she does not have wings! She was hurt, scared, despaired and tucked into the shell to cry.
Then a Hare passing by approached and asked politely:
-Hey, Turtle, why are you crying?
- Because I can not climb this hill and go to my grandmother, said Morpho without taking her head out of the shell.
- And that’s why you worry? Said the Hare cheerfully. It's easy. Just watch me. You get ready, push your back legs and ... hop ... hop ... HOP !
Morpho felt much better, watching the Hare hopping and passing the hill with such great ease. "Fact, it is so simple, she thought. I can also do it ! "She stretches her back legs well, she jumps and ... BOOMMM -OUCH ! She falls down . And then she realized that her back legs aren’t as long as the hare’s. She felt so miserable and got into the shell again whining : "I want my mom ! "
Then a Hen heard her crying and ran to help her.
- My little turtle , what are you crying about? Asked the Hen.
- I can not pass this hill to go to my grandmother,said Morpho.
- So what? It’s not so hard cock-o-cko-cko-cko , cackled the Hen . Watch me. You stand on your two feet and with your body upright , looking straight ahead you climb ... Cock-oooo !
Watching the Hen climbing the hill so easily, Morpho felt encouraged and decided to give it a third try. She stood up in both legs like the Hen do . Struggling to keep upright , she see-saw right, then left andddd .. BOOMMM -OUCH ! She fell with the shell upside down and her legs up . This time the situation was very difficult. She seemed like running out of breath .
Fortunately, an Ostrich was passing by and with its beak helped her to turn over. The Turtle took a deep breath, she stepped on her feet and said relieved :
- Oh, thank you very much !
- But how did you turn yourself upside down? Asked the Ostrich .
- Well, I try to climb this hill but keep falling every time . I can not fly , nor bounce , nor to walk on two legs . I Try and try and I fall all the time, said Morpho whining. I'm tired .I will give up and go back to my mom !
- No, no, do not give up ! Maybe you tried , but you did not try properly. Here, just watch me how to ...
The Ostrich started saying, but the Turtle interrupted her abruptly.
-No ! Enough! I do not want anyone to show me the way. Neither birdish nor henish nor harish nor ostrichish ! I'll do it myself. Turtlish ! Set !
And stubborn as she was, gets modified and begins to speed rapidly. Of course, with as much speed as a little turtle can run . She had put her head down and started running . Her breath was cut off uphill , but she was running . She was sweating ,panting , but running . Her cheeks turned deep red, her heart was about to break , but she kept running . Slippery , foundered , but she was running . She was running , running , running ... until she reached the top of the hill ! And then she raised her head and took out a loud scream :
- I climbed! I climbed on my own ! Climbed turtlish !
And she began to dance.
Then she looked down and saw the downhill ahead. It was steep and for a moment she got scared that she will not succeed and will remain up there forever. But then she saw Grandma's house and was encouraged .
- And now I'm going down turtlish!
Shouted and skillfully used her secret trick: Got into her shell. She became a turtleball and started rolling downhill. Snuggled inside her hard shell she was crashing onto stones-ouch, going over bushes-ouch, jumping puddles and running like a hare, standing like a hen, flying like a bird !Until she landed in front of her grandmother’s house.
And then when she got into her arms she was the happiest and proudest Morpho in the world!
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